Dreams Coming True and Self-Promotion

Hey guys I'm back! Thank you all so much for sticking with the channel. And, for those who are new, thank you for checking out this video.

Amazon link for Nine of Swords: https://www.amazon.com/Fynneas-Fog-Sw...

GoodReads link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/5...


The Writing Journey from Conception to Publication - Part 1

Writing the book is only the first step. Today, I wanted to discuss what you do once you write your book and how you go about getting it published. This talk isn't centered on indie vs. traditional publishing. Instead, I wanted to talk about the steps a writer goes through from conception of the story to becoming a marketable author.


Pandemic Procrastination - A Writer’s Tale

What do you do when you have a ton of time to work because of the pandemic and quarantine? You do EVERYTHING BUT WORK...which includes climbing on your fridge because you're a tiger and stopping for a dance break....


I Framed my First Rejection Letter

"Winners and losers both fall down. The difference is, winners get back up again." Those are the words I'm trying to live by as I embark on this ludicrous adventure to get my book published. I got my first rejection letter and, you know what, it wasn't a big deal. It just means I'm officially a writer now.


Writing Tips - Villain Motivations and Foils

Today we're going to talk about crafting three-dimensional villains and character foils.


I Failed NaNoWriMo 2018

NaNo didn't go well for me this year. In fact, it was a disaster. Chapter Three will be the death of me. But, I'm determined to bounce back and keep moving forward.


NaNoWriMo Day 8 - Rough Start

It's day 8 of the NaNo challenge and things aren't going as anticipated....


NaNoWriMo Day 1 - The Book Bible

NaNo 2018 is here! This is day one of my NaNoWriMo vlog where I discuss creating a Book Bible to keep yourself on track for the challnege.